On 9 December 2010, the Federal Court made a determination that recognised the native title rights of the Waanyi People, on land and waters covering an area of 17,000 square kilometres north of Mt Isa in Queensland. The determination is key to the improvement of the lives and welfare of the Waanyi People. The principal role and objective of the Waanyi Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (Waanyi NTAC) is the relief of poverty, sickness, destitution, dispossession, suffering, and misfortune amongst the Waanyi People. In order to do this, the Corporation represents the Waanyi People in respect of any matters relating to their Native Title rights and interests.
To further these priorities, influential relationships have been established and maintained at all levels with relevant stakeholders and providers of services to the Waanyi People.
The goal of the Waanyi NTAC is to ensure that contributions from these stakeholders are used to develop other income streams, which together can be used to help the community prosper and to develop a fully functioning investment vehicle with multiple income sources that is not reliant on the mining sector.
The time has come for practical and real change – not just words. Our strategy is facilitate economic self-sufficiency, while enabling our People to live on traditional lands.